How One Young Man Made a Difference on World Hemophilia Day

By Shelia Biljes

World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day has been celebrated on April 17 every year since 1989 when it was started by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). The date was chosen since it is the birthday of Frank Schnabel, the founder of WFH. The campaign is designed to increase the understanding and awareness of hemophilia and is celebrated by wearing the color red.

Each year, World Hemophilia Day highlights a different theme. The theme this year was Access for All: Prevention of Bleeds as a Global Standard of Care. The theme encourages bleeding disorder community members around the world to advocate at the local and national level. Global priorities include improving treatment access, controlling bleeds, and expanding coverage for prophylactic treatment.

On this special day, I have found that my biggest heroes come in tiny packages! Benjamin, a first grader diagnosed with severe hemophilia B, is an example of why I find this statement so true. He wanted to do something big on World Hemophilia Day to help spread awareness and education of hemophilia.

Benjamin encouraged everyone, students, teachers, and staff, to wear red on World Hemophilia Day. His mom, Stephanie, wrote an amazing description of hemophilia that was posted on the school’s Facebook page along with the invitation to wear red. Benjamin’s devoted big sister, Evelyn, a third grader at the same school, joined in spreading inspiration and education.

Every child who wore red received a pencil and a card that Benjamin and Evelyn worked for hours preparing. It was a big hit! Approximately 300 students showed their support by donning red attire!

Benjamin invited me to the school to celebrate the event with his family, and I met Principal Kelli Corell. My pride for him is overwhelming! Congratulations to this fine young man on his impressive act to advocate, spread awareness, and share information about hemophilia!

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