The Coalition for Hemophilia B 17th Annual Symposium

By Michelle Stielper and Tina McMullen

It really is SO fantastic to “B” together as no event encapsulates this feeling more every year than The Coalition for Hemophilia B Symposium. The 17th Annual Symposium took place March 16th–19th at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. The Coalition team pulls out all the stops when it comes to making an event feel like a family reunion. New families are embraced from the start and quickly find a home among their fellow hemophilia B community members.

Programming offered something for everyone from the young to the young at heart; Tai Chi classes, massages, medical talks, programming discussing emerging therapies, and men’s and women’s breakout sessions all brought the B community together while programming for the youngsters and teens was pure magic. New friends were made, and existing friendships were nourished and flourished as the kids got crafty, had their face painted, made origami, hung out in the teen lounge, or went offsite for an airboat ride at Wild Florida Airboats, Gator and Safari Park.

BioMatrix Regional Care Coordinator, Shelia Biljes, led two sewing sessions co-sponsored by Medexus Pharma. Participants - pure beginners and master sewers alike - were welcome to share their personal journeys as they quilted beautiful tote bags as a keepsake of their special time together. Christian Harris, our B community fashion designer extraordinaire and Medexus speaker, discussed his path through the fashion industry, and how he created a line of clothing inspired by his personal journey with a bleeding disorder. The finished B bags Shelia helped participants make were marvelous, and everyone did a sensational job!

The entire event was energy-filled and buzzing with activity, and the BioMatrix booth was a busy beehive. BioMatrix Director of Advocacy and Education, Terry Rice, emceed rousing rounds of Jeopardy in a battle of points between the guys and the gals. The gals won last year; the guys won this year. Prepare for a 2024 tie breaker!

At the booth we had information about our newly launched Patient Navigation Program, which can provide valuable assistance for families facing insurance obstacles and financial challenges to care. In addition to offering different promo items each day, we held raffles at the booth for a treasure chest gift basket and a beautiful, quilted table runner (thank you, Shelia!) to complement the bee-themed tote bag. Congratulations to our raffle winners!

We cannot forget to tell everyone about the final night party – a fabulous time spent making wonderful memories! The Bleeders band, featuring BioMatrix’s very own “Doc of Rock” Shelby Smoak, played great tunes and brought the house down during dinner. Dancing and singing ringing throughout the evening in the atrium of the Renaissance. Everyone had a blast spending one last night together before heading home. It’s always hard to say goodbye to our dear B’s, but here’s to another year! Before we know it, we will B together again!

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