Video: Singing to Heal: Music, The Brain, and Healing

This program offers research on the positive impacts of music on persons with chronic illness.

Data and research from several health-related sources provides evidence of music’s ability to reduce a patient’s experience of pain, promote quicker post-surgery recoveries, and encourage positivity when dealing with a chronic illness. By examining research on music and the brain, this program uncovers music’s effectiveness at encouraging recovery in patients with physical and emotional trauma.

Singing to Heal asks questions about music’s importance in our lives and works towards understanding its positive impact for persons with a chronic illness. If you are not yet a music-lover, this program will encourage you to push PLAY more often; if you are a music lover, this program teases the question as to why you are drawn to music and suggests that, maybe, there’s more to it than just the love of a good song.

Key Objectives:

  1. To educate persons about the positive effects of music

  2. To examine music as an activity that engages multiple areas of the brain when listening to or playing music and to understand why that may be important

  3. To provide research on the positive impacts of music as related to the brain and especially one’s perception of trauma

  4. To provide research on the positive effects of music within cancer and surgery patients

  5. To provide research on the positive impact of music on persons suffering from pain

  6. To examine other positive health impacts of music

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